
Skeie Seating AS is a house of competency. Our knowledge and experience gives the customer security. We assist in finding the optimal solution for all types of plenary halls. We help solve your challenges and ensure that we achieve a good result.

We can assist in all stages, from idea to a completed project. We know how to design a good amphitheatre. We have a comprehensive understanding of seating solutions, fire and escape requirements, universal design, acoustics, different types of performing arts, etc., which makes us very competent in proposing the most optimized solutions possible. We ensure that the hall receives the best achievable vertical and horizontal lines of sight; we ensure optimal steps and treads in relation to the hall’s geometry. We advise on products to select to best meet the desired needs and intended use of the hall, and provide training on use and maintenance.

Drawings and engineering:

Behind every functional and optimal hall or auditorium, there is a lot of expertise and planning. We at Skeie have extensive experience in drawing halls with different solutions to arrive at the configuration that is best for you. We are happy to receive your dwg drawings as a starting point, but you can also ask for an inspection and survey of existing buildings if accurate drawings do not exist.

Use our competency:

Whether you are the client, purchaser, contractor or architect, you can use our expertise in building a hall.

In order to optimize your room, it is important to include us from the early stages, to advise and show opportunities that the room can offer. For most generalists, an amphitheatre is a rear case. With specialists from Skeie on the team, you make sure that important details are taken care of at an early stage, and thus avoid costly rebuilds or unnecessary compromises.

The choice of chair model is decisive for how many you can accommodate, and the experience you provide the guests. With decades of experience in such deliveries, we have a unique background to make recommendations on what will be optimal in your project.

We know that quality and sustainability is important to our customers. We are proud to deliver “Skeie quality” at all levels, including in the advisory phase. Our solutions will provide the customer with attractive installations with a long service life and small maintenance costs throughout the life cycle.

In short: Skeie does what it takes to get an optimal solution and a satisfied customer.

Skeie’s slogan “Whenever people are to be well seated» is descriptive for what we stand for.