Environmental responsibility & Sustainability

It is common for us to have customers wait 20 or 30 years to return to buy new chairs. Sometimes they even reuse some of the old installation, because it is still too good to throw away. It may not be so good for the business that our products last that long, but it is certainly good for the environment! We are going to continue prioritizing like this!

The long service life still gives us a competitive advantage though. In recent years, we have invested heavily in giving our loyal customers the opportunity to upgrade their halls without having to replace components that still have many good years ahead of them. You, as a customer, save money and work, we get to keep good customers, and the environment becomes a winner.

We at Skeie are also proud to say that we produce and deliver our furniture in a sustainable way. We use environmentally friendly raw materials as far as possible. For example, we prefer certified wood to plastics. Our suppliers are centrally located in relation to our markets, and thus we avoid a lot of unnecessary transport.

Skeie works continuously with improvement, and our production is certified according to ISO 14001: 2015.

We are a member of Grønt Punkt Norge AS (“Green Dot Norway plc”). This is a privately owned non-profit company responsible for financing the recovery and recycling of used packaging on behalf of the industrial sector.